Well ,Hindus were accustomed with many traditions and rituals ,but there aren't aware of the them.Let me talk about one such thing that is practiced for hundreds of years ago.That is none other than TOUCHING FEET (PADA NAMASKAR).It is considered as the act of respecting the elder .
Now we will see beyond the custom in aspect of science.Our body is a special design where the entire body from brain via spinal-chord to feet are connect through nerves.There are incorporated with seven chakras
. When we touch the feet of elder we are making unification point of ANAHTA (KARUNA)and MANIPUR(SHRADDHA) Chakras which will be activated.SHRADDHA " reduces "ego" & lower emotions along with Solar plexus chakra .
" KARUNA " activates HEART- CHAKRA of the saints or elders. " SHRADDHA " increases receptivity of the person ,while " KARUNA " starts to discharge energy from HEART CHAKRA towards the person who is receptive with " SHRADDHA .
There are some physical, mental developments associated with it. The person is not only benefited with the blessings but unconsciously the person reveals his/her modesty and humble nature.